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Psychology of Self Defense: 3 Pathological Threats

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The psychology of self defense often interprets a threat of injury as a threat against one's identity. This defensive reaction is often hindered by the fact the threat is pathological. It doesn't care who gets hurt. To change the perception of the threat, it is important to affirm a value that you hold. The following are three examples of pathological threats. You can read on to find out more about each.

Psychopaths don’t care who gets hurt

Psychopaths won't care about anyone who gets hurt, unless you have a strong instinct to defend yourself. Psychopaths don't feel sorry for their actions and won't care about who is hurt. They will never feel sorry for hurting anyone and they won't care if that person gets hurt. Psychopaths believe that the rules of the universe don't apply to their world. These people will do anything to get away with it, even harming other people.

They don't care about who is hurt

Psychopaths, on the contrary, don't care whether someone is hurt in self-defense and are likely to manipulate others. Psychopaths create fear in their victims and cover their threats with stories about disappearances or family secrets. This manipulation strategy will play on the victim's emotions and mind, so that they give into the bully's demands.

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Imperfect self-defense

There are two types of self-defense: imperfect and normal. Imperfect self-defense covers cases in which a person believes that he or she is in imminent danger and has no alternative but to use deadly force to protect himself or herself. This doctrine is different from ordinary self-defense. It only applies to situations in which an individual is trying defend themselves against a dangerous threat.

Deadly force

If the self-defense victim believes that he/she is in imminent danger of being killed or severely injured, then it is legal to use deadly force. The rapist must threaten harm to the victim, with a substantial chance of death or great bodily injuries, in order to justify the use deadly force. There are four main elements that make force deadly. These are: self-defense must justify the use force. Two exceptions to this rule are excessive force during the initial assault and withdrawal.

Motivational theory

R.W. Rogers, in 1975. Later expanded in 1983. The protection motiv theory attempts to predict how people will react in stressful situations. The main topics included quitting smoking and the danger of cancer. Bike helmet use, reducing caffeine intakes, improving dental hygiene, pain management following dental surgery and safe pesticide usage were some minor topics. Research has shown that psychological and physiological factors related to self defense are similar to those of other topics.

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It is a primitive defense mechanism. It can be used by itself or together with other subtle mechanisms to keep a person from having to deal with difficult emotions or areas in their lives. Students might not acknowledge their lack of preparation during tests, for instance. Similarly, a person may avoid acknowledging their lack of preparation in a presentation by minimizing their effort. But, self defense denial can have serious consequences in certain situations.

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Should I store guns?

Yes! Gun ownership is a right protected under the Second Amendment. It's important that you remember that not everyone is entitled to own firearms. Guns are not permissible for those with mental illness.

It is possible to save lives by having a gun in your home. In fact, according to the CDC, between 1999 and 2016, there were over 33,000 deaths due to unintentional shootings.

The good news about concealed weapons is that most states allow citizens to have them. You still have the option to carry a concealed weapon, even though you're not allowed to possess one.

How do I start survival prepping?

Start with an Emergency Kit. It should contain basic supplies such as food, water or shelter. Next, add items that can help you remain safe and secure.

A solar-powered radio, flashlight and whistle are all possible options. If you live near rivers, lakes, or streams, include fishing equipment.

Another way to prepare for emergency situations is with a bug-out backpack (BOO). This backpack is filled with essential gear. Some BOOs include a tent, sleeping bags and firestarter. They also contain pots, stoves, cookware, batteries, flashlights, first-aid kits, toiletries, and other essential gear.

There are many options for disaster preparation. Start with these basics and expand your list based on your own situation.

Where do the most doomsday preparers live?

Most people who are preparing for an apocalypse will live in rural areas. Because they are more likely to survive a collapse of society, this is why they tend to live in rural areas. They also have a greater chance of finding supplies when there's less competition for resources.

You need to be able to survive.

The best places to go are those with low population density. The more people there are, the easier it will be to survive.

What food should I buy to survive?

Make sure you carefully consider the items you purchase. You won't be able to live long if you don’t have enough water. The best thing to do is find a place with plenty of water and make sure you stock up on supplies.

You can buy dried beans and rice, pasta, or dehydrated food. You need to make sure they are stored properly so that nothing gets lost.

You might also be interested in freeze-dried foods. These are more expensive than regular food, but they last much longer.

What information do I need before I can start my doomsday prep?"

First, you will need to collect information about your region. What are the most common natural disasters that could occur in your region? Are there any major dangers?

You should consider purchasing flood insurance if your home is in a flood zone. Flooding is one the most serious threats to your life in a crisis.

If you live along coastlines, you may want to purchase tsunami insurance. Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes. They often occur without warning, so it's best to be prepared.

Next, figure out how long it will take you to become self-sufficient. How long are you able to survive?

Or will you be gone only for a few hours? Or will you be away from home for weeks or months?

Is it possible to live alone? If so, you'll probably want to include some type of weapon. You can choose between a gun and a bow-and-arrow. Just make sure you're comfortable using whatever tool you decide upon.

In addition to weapons, you'll also want to include tools like a shovel, axe, saw, hammer, nails, rope, and other items. These tools could be used to build shelters or make your own weapons.

Stock up on water and food. Make sure you have enough food for several days.

Keep in mind that not every item on this checklist needs to be purchased. It is important to at least start.


  • A survey commissioned by National Geographic found that forty percent of Americans believed that stocking up on supplies or building a bomb shelter was a wiser investment than a 401(k). (newyorker.com)
  • Approximately a hundred and seventeen million people earn, on average, the same income they did in 1980, while the typical income for the top one percent has nearly tripled. (newyorker.com)
  • A gravel bike was the clear winner, receiving more than 90 percent of the votes. Background: This summer, we surveyed our readers about what they’d shove into a backpack if they were caught unprepared for the collapse of society. (inverse.com)

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How To

How to survive the wild with little

Many people don't know how to survive in the wild in this modern world. First, you need to learn how make fire, hunt animals, gather water, and build shelters. To survive in the wild, it is very important to understand what kind of food you eat, where you go, where your shelter is, and what tools you use. If you want survival in the wild you must think like an experienced hunter. Otherwise you will perish.

Survival tips

  1. Always make a plan before you go out in the wild. It's better if you have a plan to avoid potential problems in the wild.
  2. Make sure you have a map of the area. If you get lost in the woods, you can easily find your way home using a map.
  3. Keep hydrated. Drinking enough water is crucial when you are outdoors. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. Know which plants are edible. Learn to identify different types of plants.
  5. Make sure you choose a safe place for sleeping. Avoid being near dangerous animals and other places.
  6. Build a shelter. Good shelters can keep you warm in cold weather.
  7. Use a compass. You will be able to use a compass in the wild.
  8. Carry a knife. Knives can be very helpful when hunting.
  9. It is important to know how you can light a fire. If you are camping in the wilderness, it is important to know how to start a fire.
  10. Predators should be aware. Predators may try to harm you if you aren't careful.
  11. Know how to use weapons. Weapons are very helpful when you are in the forest.
  12. Avoid poisonous Snakes Snake bites are very dangerous.
  13. Avoid being bitten. You can be killed by diseases transmitted by insects.
  14. Protect yourself against lightning. Lightning strikes are very dangerous.
  15. Don't touch dead bodies. Dead bodies can spread disease.
  16. Look after your health. When you are in a survival situation, you must take care of your health.
  17. Avoid putting your life at risk by lighting a fire. Fire can be dangerous and can even cause irreparable damage.
  18. Don't waste time. Your most valuable possession is time.
  19. Don't panic. Panic only makes matters worse
  20. Don't lose hope. Hope is something that keeps us alive.
  21. Don't get complacent. Complacency can lead to death.


Psychology of Self Defense: 3 Pathological Threats