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Hurricane Insurance

survival shelter with fire

It is critical to have hurricane insurance. Most states require you to carry liability insurance, which covers damage to other people's property, including your neighbor's house. You should also consider collision coverage. This covers your vehicle if you are involved in a hydroplane accident with another vehicle. These coverages will cover many of the costs that are incurred by a hurricane.

Disney World

Disney's hurricane policy says that every effort will be made to keep guests safe. In the event of a hurricane, the park could close or modify its operation. During these times, you should stay up to date with local hurricane curfews. It is a good idea to download My Disney Experience app in order to be updated about weather conditions.

If you are staying at a Disney World Resort Hotel, you may want to check for cancellation policies before booking. You might find that some hotels are already full when a hurricane is approaching. You can also check the Disney World website to find out about closing times.


Airbnb's "extenuating conditions" policy does not cover hurricanes. In other words, a company is not required to refund guests if a hurricane reaches a particular area. The reason for this is that hurricanes are considered predictable, so guests are expected to take them into account when planning their trip. But this doesn't mean hosts won't refund guests in part or allow them to change their plans.

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Airbnb claims it honors both hosts and guests' cancellation policies. However, in certain cases, storms can cause severe damage to the property of a host, making it unsafe for guests to stay there. There are situations when a hurricane could cause damage to a property or create unexpected maintenance problems. To ensure fairness and equity, both hosts as well as guests should review their cancellation policies.

Renters insurance

Renters insurance is a wise decision as it protects you against personal property being damaged by hurricanes. The policy will cover damage up to the amount of your policy, as well as additional expenses, including expenses to stay elsewhere. Also, hurricanes can cause massive storm damage including storm surge and damaging winds. Document storm damage to your house so you can get renters insurance coverage. The damage can be documented in a fireproof safe. You can also store it digitally for easy access.

Be sure to verify evacuation routes, shelters, or safety zones when renting a home. Although most renters insurance policies don't cover hurricane damage specifically, many plans do cover damage from wind and hail. Although hurricanes may be covered by your policy, it is important to verify that you have the right coverage.

Homeowners insurance

If you live somewhere that is susceptible to hurricanes, make sure you have enough coverage. Your policy should not only cover your house but also other structures. A clause called "loss of usage" should be included in your insurance policy. This will help you pay extra living expenses in the event that your house is severely or completely destroyed. These expenses can include expenses for food and lodging. Your policy might have a default value, but you can opt to purchase higher limits.

A hurricane deductible is different to a regular homeowners deductible. It can vary between 2% and 5% of the insured value. If you have extensive damage to your home, the deductible will be higher.

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Flood insurance

Flood insurance for hurricane damage is a specialized insurance policy that covers flooding damage from hurricanes. Flood damage can not be covered by homeowners insurance. Flood damage can cause significant damage to your home. It must cause damage to a home that is more than 2 acres in size and at least one other dwelling. Flood damage from a hurricane can also cause damage to valuable papers or items.

Flood insurance policies available through the National Flood Insurance Program provide coverage for damage due to hurricanes and other weather-related storms. These policies provide coverage for flooding, storm surges and heavy rainstorms. Flood insurance is not possible for all situations. However, you should have sufficient insurance to cover your property and assets against severe weather events.

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What is the main difference between a knife with a fixed blade and a knife that folds?

Folding knives fold down compactly so that they can fit into a bag or pocket. When not in use the blade folds away.

Fixed-blade knives are meant to stay fixed in normal use. They usually have longer blades than folding knives.

Fixed-blade knives are more durable but less portable.

How to Navigate Without or With a Compass

Although a compass does not tell you where you're going, it can help you get back to your home in case you lose your bearings.

Three different ways you can navigate are available:

  1. By landmarks
  2. By magnetic North (using an compass).
  3. By stars

Landmarks can be objects you recognize as soon as you see them. They are trees, buildings or rivers. Because they give you a visual clue about where you are, landmarks are very useful.

Magnetic North simply indicates the direction in which Earth's magnetic field points. The sun appears to be moving across sky if you look up. The earth's magnetic field actually causes sun to move around. Although it appears that the sun is moving across the sky and around the horizon, it actually does so. The sun is directly overhead at noon. At midnight, the sun will be directly below you. The earth's magnetic field is constantly changing, so the exact direction of the magnetic North pole changes every day. This means that your course could drift a lot in a single day.

Another method of navigating is using stars. Stars appear over the horizon to rise and lower. These are fixed points in time that you can use for determining your location relative others.

How can I find the right knife for me?

It is not easy to choose the right knife for you. There are so numerous brands out there that claim they are the best.

But which one is truly the best? How do you choose?

First, you must consider what kind of tasks you plan to perform with your knife.

Do you want to chop wood, skin animals, slice bread or chop vegetables?

Your knife is it intended for hunting, fishing, or both? Is it meant for camp cooking or kitchen cutting?

Are you going to use it to open bottles or cans? Do you plan to open boxes or packages?

Does your knife need to be strong enough to withstand heavy loads?

Is it worth cleaning it after every use. Are you planning to wash it often?

Does it have to maintain its edge well over the course of time?


  • We know you're not always going to be 100% prepared for the situations that befall you, but you can still try and do your best to mitigate the worst circumstances by preparing for a number of contingencies. (hiconsumption.com)
  • so you can be 100 percent hands-free, and there's less chance you'll put your torch down and lose it. (nymag.com)
  • Without one, your head and neck can radiate up to 40 percent of your body heat. (dec.ny.gov)
  • In November of 1755, an earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.0 and a maximum intensity of VIII occurred about 50 miles northeast of Boston, Massachusetts. (usgs.gov)

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How To

How to Locate Edible Animals and Plants in Emergencies

Edible plants and animals are very important food sources during emergency situations. They should be included in your survival kit because they can provide nutrients and energy for you without access to normal foods. You may also use them to make medicines and cosmetics.

Knowing where they grow is essential. Also, you need to know what conditions they prefer, such as climate, soil type and weather. This knowledge will help you identify them quickly. It's not possible to know everything about every animal and plant species. Fortunately, there are general rules that can be applied to most animals and plants.

If you see a animal or plant near water, you can assume they like moist soil. If leaves have shiny surfaces it is likely that they have been recently watered. If you notice ants in the vicinity of a plant you can assume it provides nectar for insects. These simple observations can save you valuable time in finding useful plants and animals during emergencies.

To learn more about edible plant and animal species, you can consult books written by botany or zoology specialists. You can also watch documentaries and talk to people who live in rural areas. Follow these steps to learn more about animals and plants.

  1. Look for animals and plants that grow near water.
  2. Pay attention to the growth habits of animals and plants.
  3. Learn more about the natural habitats and habits of animals and plants. You could, for example, search for locations with a certain soil type, climate, and vegetation.
  4. Identify the parts that plants and animals can be eaten.
  5. Learn how you can cook both animals and plants.
  6. Practice eating wild plants and animals so that you become familiar with their taste.
  7. Always be cautious when collecting wild plants or animals. Don't pick endangered species.
  8. It is important to properly store wild plants and animals. You should keep them away from direct sunlight, and keep them cool and dry.
  9. After handling wild plants or animals, wash your hands thoroughly.
  10. Wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them.
  11. Consume no raw meats or fish unless it's absolutely safe.


Hurricane Insurance